Commentary: The U.S. should never play with fire in South Ch
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U.S. warship USS Lassen illegally entered waters near Zhubi Reef, part of China’s NanshaIslands in the South China Sea, on October 27, 2015. China has monitored, tracked andissued warnings to the U.S. warship.
The U.S. move was long planned. U.S. media said in May that the U.S. navy wanted to“challenge” China’s construction projects in the South China Sea, and since September theU.S. navy has been laboring its views on South China Sea disputes and claiming to send awarship within 12 nautical miles of China's islands. The U.S. has long caused trouble inSouth China Sea disputes even though it is not one of the parties concerned to the SouthChina Sea issue.
There is no doubt that the U.S. made such a move for strategic reasons: first, itdeliberately created tensions in the South China Sea so as to impede China’s safeguardingof its legal rights in the area; second, the move contributes to the implementation of U.S.regional strategy of "Asia-Pacific Rebalance"; third, the U.S. can take the chance to cozy upto its allies.
The U.S. claimed “freedom of navigation” for other purposes . It is the U.S. actions thathave worsened tensions in the South China Sea.
China has responded to U.S. warship provocation with a clear-cut stand. What China doesis legitimate. China’s sovereignty in the South China Sea has historical and legal grounding.Its construction, salvage and disaster prevention in this area demonstrate it is aresponsible country.
China is determined to defend its sovereignty and safety and has taken actions to cope withthe move of the U.S. warship which has threatened China's sovereignty and safety. Chinawarned the U.S. not go further, otherwise China will take all necessary measures. Chinahopes the U.S. will keep a clear mind. Troublemakers are bound to be condemned.
China also reminds the U.S. to consider the bigger picture in terms of Sino-U.S. relations.The two countries are working together to build a new type of major-country relations, andso they should focus on advancing this win-win cooperation. China never fears troubles, butthe U.S. should never create troubles. If the U.S. plays with fire in South China Sea, theconsequences will be very serious.
The article is edited and translated from《美國務須保持頭腦清醒(望海樓)》, source:People's Daily Overseas Edition, author: Su Xiaohui, deputy director of the Departmentfor International and Strategic Studies at China Institute of International Studies.